Ok. I'll admit it. I love
cocktails. Sure Beer is nice, obviously Wine is delish. Ok real
honesty time, most wine I only drink when I want to look sophisticated.
ssshhhh don't tell! My True love? Cocktails. Mix it, shake
it, pour it over ice and I'm one happy cookie. Even better if said
cocktails taste like cookies.
So that being said, I am obviously a
HUGE fan of the current signature cocktail trend at weddings. I think
it's such a fun way to show off a little bit of your fun personality. So
belly up to... well this article and let's go through how to pick the perfect
signature cocktail!
- Pick something you like! Ok this may seem like a no brainer, but remember everyone at this wedding loves and adores you, so if you pick a cocktail that all your friends from college know you hate Gin, it's going to seem off. Besides you want to enjoy it too!
- Pick something that is personal. Here's a fun fact. My husband and I met at a beach in Hawaii. So when I was thinking about the prospect of a signature cocktail at my wedding, a Mai Tai, came instantly to mind. It didn't hurt that I L.O.V.E. them (see #1) But it was also personal, we met in Hawaii, so a quintessential hawaiian cocktail just seemed to fit! Awwww
- Pick something based on the color or related to the theme of your wedding (and this one is optional, but fun if you don't have a personal relationship with a cocktail like myself. Many sunburns and bad tan lines are due to my consumption of Mai Tais!!)
- Example, your colors are Teal and Coral. How about a Blue Hawaiian, a delicious pineapple-y concoction that turns a lovely shade of blueish teal when the Blue Curacao is mixed with yellow pineapple juice!
- You're having a vintage theme wedding, play with retro classic cocktails like a Manhattan, to give guests that old world feeling.
- And Finally, something based on your honeymoon destination will have guests wishing they could join you on the beach. Think Rum Runner or Bahama Mama for a fabulous Caribbean honeymoon! Just be sure to make up an adorable sign that says something along the lines of
Jane and John are off to the Caribbean for a
fabulous honeymoon!
Since you can't join them, we have brought a
little of the tropics to you!
Please enjoy a yummy
Bahama Mama
Bon Voyage!
Great idea on the cocktails. Never thought of that but I can see where it would be fun for the guests and if you only have beer wine & 1 or 2 signature drinks you don't have to stock a whole bar. More affordable!!!
More affordable and helps control the amount people drink! Less drunk sloshyness! Is sloshyness a word?